Friday, November 18, 2016


New Employment opportunity at Marriott Hotel Canada, 

The management of Marriott hotels in Canada, needs Seventy five (75) new workers From your Country which careers suite into this JOB categories: Stewards, nurses, Technicians, Fashion designers, comedians and Entertainers, models, actors, dancers, medical doctor, Artisans, Mechanics,Waiter&Waitress, engineer, cleaners, washers, security, Club Bouncers, Catering supervisor, Cooks, Receptionist, Food & Beverage Management, Store Keeper, Landscape & graphic designer, Computer Engineering, professional massage, Professional Chauffeurs, professional beauticians, professional Gardener and florist, Gym and exercise instructors, etc.
This is Two years Contract with Free medical Treatment. and Marriott hotel Management will be responsible for the payment of his/her air ticket and accommodation. Due to time, only 16 applicants are needed from your Country Very Urgently Both male and female, so if you are interested you can contact us immediately With your C.V or Resume to this below E-mail address( for more information you may need.
Note: If you are interested to work and live in Marriott Hotels Canada, NOW as quick as possible to enable you receive the Job position available and salary range,Contact this E-mail address ( will attend to you.
Good luck

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